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Сайт Андрея Скоробогатова

English / Avs_Silvester project

Andrey Valerievich Skorobogatov
Was born in 1987 in Sverdlovsk, USSR (now Yekaterinburg city, Russian Federation), in childhood lived in Zarechny town near a nuclear power station.On the main occupation is IT-Specialist (College and University). Works in IT department in big corporation. Started to write storeis and novellins in schoole, the first publication - the story 'Siberian Rhapsody' (Сибирская рапсодия) - was published in 2008 in the magazine 'Ural Stalker'. Then there were publications in magazines "Polden' XXI vek", "If" (Esli), "Ural Stalker", "Contrabanda," the compilation books of "Eksmo", "Aelita", translations to bulgarian (Zlaten Kan, Изборът) and Engilsh. Since 2007 - the member  (and in 2010-2013 so-organizer) of the sci-fi festival 'Aelita'.
The so-author of Ilya Tyo from the cycle 'Universe Feeds'. Preferred genres - "cosmogony fiction" (the so-called Ural 'farmerizm'), social science fiction (utopia / dystopia), a humorous and satirical fantasy, absurdity and postmodern. In works, first of all try to create an original and thoroughly developed 'world view', which is then superimposed on the plot and characters. Tried and as a publicist, writer, poet and songwriter for rock bands. From hobbies - surrealism, fantastic art, guitar and progressive rock music.

Since 2011 - the author of several music albums in the genres of avant-garde, ambient, experimental / progressive rock / metal, published in the public domain in the internet labels (project name - Avs_Silvester and other)

Forum of Avs_Silvester project

Releases of Avs_Silvester:
2011 - FUNNY ZOMBIE STORIES (EP) (Весёлые зомбячьи истории) BANDCAMP
2011 - GLORY TO THE GREAT HEDGEHOGS! (EP)  (Слава Великим Ежам!!1)
2011 - PENGUIN-MUTANTS (EP) (Пингвины-Мутанты)

2012 - track "Tales From Cryptographic Options" in compilation [Siro300] Sincerity Is The Key
2012 - The Leviathans And Space Nerds (Full-length) (Левиафаны и космические зануды) BANDCAMP
2012 - Prison of delusions- I (EP) (Плен заблуждений, ч.1)
2012 - Director of dummy elephants (Full-length) (Режиссёр бутафорских слонов)
2012 - The Dark Side Of Callisto (Full-length) (Тёмная сторона Каллисто)
2012 - The Gypsum Album (EP) (Гипсовый альбом) BANDCAMP
2012 - Prison of delusions- II (EP) (Плен заблуждений, ч.2)
2012 - Periodic Table of Sounds, p.1-2 (EP)
2012 - Periodic Table of Sounds, p.3 (EP)
2012 - Mansipal's Heaven (Full-length) (Небеса Мансипала)
2012 - with Oleg Aronov - Vargan H (EP) (Варган Си)
2012 - Epic war of Great Hedgehogs (EP) (Эпическая война Великих Ежей)
2012 - Predapocaliptic Ural (EP) (Предапокалиптический урал)
2012 - Stonebelt Empire (Full-length) (Империя Каменного Пояса) BANDCAMP
2012 - Organic Music (Full-length) (Органическая музыка) BANDCAMP
2012 - Periodic Table of Sounds, p.4 (EP)
2012 - Months (EP) (Месяцы) BANDCAMP

2013 - Black Thursday (Full-length) (Чёрный четверг) BANDCAMP
2013 - Gypsum Album II (EP) (Гипсовый альбом-II, Надежда на Лучшее)
2013 - Matryoshka Album (EP) (Матрёшечный альбом) BANDCAMP
2013 - Very Exotic Animals (Full-length) (Очень экзотичные животные) BANDCAMP
2013 - with Karel de Goede - Avs_Silvester & Toxic Chicken - Toxic Chicken and Great Hedgehogs (EP) (Токсичные цыплята и Великие Ежи)
2013 - MUSHROOM-Metal (EP) (Грибной металл) BANDCAMP

2014 - Siberian Phapsody (lobit single on 3.5 floppy)
2014 - СПОРТ (EP) (Sport) BANDCAMP
2014 - Periodic Table of Sounds, p.5 (EP)

Phisycal Releases:

Cacti Curator - Railroad Downshifting (Куратор Кактусов - Железнодорожный дауншифтинг, EP on floppy, with Dmitry Cizerot Bogutsky)
Now That's What I Call Retro-Futurism Vol. 3 (Compilation on floppy, track "March of the Great Hedgehogs")
Sirona Records Mixtape (compilation on cassettes, track "Silver Music"), Siberian Phapsody (lobit single on 3.5 floppy)
SOQR - Meat of the Immortal (400 CD-R)

Not released in net:
The Great Cosmos ("Большой Космос", full-length soundtrack/CD-R addition for book "The great space" of Dan Shorin) (full-l)
Periodic Table of Sounds, p.6, Physics, Scientists and Radiation (Физика, учёные и радиация, demo-fragm) (full-l), Kolfan Illustrations (EP), Moons (Луны, full-l), Days (Дни, EP)

Relieses of Tandea & Tarlana
(with software developer, electronic music creator Alexander Zolotov (Night Radio))

2012 - "Corporation continuum"

Relieses of SOQR
(with sci-fi writer Dmitry Bogutsky (Cizerot, TimeCode, Sativa Gignatura))

2013 - Dispute With Internal Flaw (Спор с внутренним изъяном)
2013 - Meat of the Immortal (Мясо бессмертных) (CD) BANDCAMP
2013 - The Second Revolt of Angels (Второе восстание ангелов) BANDCAMP, clip
2013 - Rusty Water of Eternity (Ржавая Вода Вечности) BANDCAMP

Relieses of Tatlin's Tower
(with sci-fi writer Dmitry Bogutsky (Cizerot, TimeCode, Sativa Gignatura) and saxophonist Alexander NZ (the Karovas Milkshake))

2013 - Ships and Balloons (single, clip on you-tube)

Relieses of Rootea
(with saxophonist Alexander NZ (the Karovas Milkshake)

2013 - Materials (comeing soon)
2013 - Trip on RGB (Путешествие в RGB-тонах)
2013 - Shamanism of Great Hedgehogs (Шаманизм Великих Ежей) BANDCAMP

not released: "Have you time to think..." (full-length), "Dreams"

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